Handmade Brooches for The Limited Time Shop Handmade brooches for the Limited Time Shop, ” Illustrators&…

Handmade Brooches and a Doll for the Group Exhibition
Handmade Brooches and a Doll for the Group Exhibition “Palm-sized 3D Artworks Exhibition” at Opa G…

Handmade Resin Brooches for The Limited Time Shop
Handmade Resin Brooches for The Limited Time Shop Handmade brooches for the Limited Time Shop, ” Brooche…

Handmade Resin Brooches for the Group Exhibition
Handmade Resin Brooches for the Group Exhibition These handmade brooches were sold in the group exhibiton, …

Handmade Resin Accessories for the Pop-up Store
Handmade Resin Accessories for the Pop-up Store The pop-up store event in the group exhibiton, “Decolele…

Ukulele for the Group Exhibition
Ukulele for the Group Exhibition Ukulele for display and sale for the group exhibiton, “Decolele♪- 148 U…

Handmade Doll for the Group Exhibition
Handmade Doll for the Group Exhibition Original Match Label & Match Box Art Exhibition vol.8 at Opa Galler…