Handmade Brooches for The Limited Time Shop Handmade brooches for the Limited Time Shop, ” Illustrators&…

Handmade Brooches and a Doll for the Group Exhibition
Handmade Brooches and a Doll for the Group Exhibition “Palm-sized 3D Artworks Exhibition” at Opa G…

Group Exhibition “We Love Pickles the Frog Ⅲ” at Hands Gallery in Tokyu Hands Shibuya Store 7F, February 15- March 14, 2019
Group Exhibition “We Love Pickles the Frog Ⅲ” at Hands Gallery in Tokyu Hands Shibuya Store 7F, Fe…

Handmade Resin Brooches for The Limited Time Shop
Handmade Resin Brooches for The Limited Time Shop Handmade brooches for the Limited Time Shop, ” Brooche…

Handmade Resin Accessories for the Pop-up Store
Handmade Resin Accessories for the Pop-up Store The pop-up store event in the group exhibiton, “Decolele…

Ukulele for the Group Exhibition
Ukulele for the Group Exhibition Ukulele for display and sale for the group exhibiton, “Decolele♪- 148 U…

Solo Exhibition “Pieces” at OPA Gallery, May 10-15, 2013
Solo Exhibition “Pieces” at OPA Gallery, May 10-15, 2013 Invitation MessageA mysterious world was …

Solo Exhibition “Tokyo” July 1-30, 2010
Solo Exhibition “Tokyo” July 1-30, 2010 Invitation MessageThe title is “Tokyo”, but I …

Malpu Gallery’s 60th Planned Exhibition “Precious” January 5-29, 2010
Malpu Gallery’s 60th Planned Exhibition “Precious” January 5-29, 2010 Invitation MessageTher…

Handmade Doll for the Group Exhibition
Handmade Doll for the Group Exhibition Original Match Label & Match Box Art Exhibition vol.8 at Opa Galler…